The Madrid train bombings on 11 March 2004 stirred a global wave of anti-terrorism and aroused domestic indignation towards the government. Demonstrations organized spontaneously via digital media, mainly mobile phones, mobilized tens of thousands to gather and protest against the government’s cover-up on the information of the attack. This writing examines digital media's role in the broadening public sphere, increasing civic engagement, countering misinformation, and promoting government responsiveness and credibility – thus improving the democratic practice in the information age.
Since 1971, Bhutan has rejected GDP as the only indicator to measure its progress. Instead, it employed the index of Gross National Happiness (GNH) to better carry out the vision for Bhutan’s “peace, prosperity and happiness” by 2020. The idea seems to have been finely implemented – but with the introduction of television and internet to the state in 1999, a number of social conflicts and issues have surfaced.
While most of the TV drama aims to reassure people, Black Mirror is obtrusively unsettling. This writing focuses on discussing the society of the spectacle in Black Mirror Season 1, and offering an argument on how it serves as an entertaining commodity aimed at distraction and reassurance.
Compared with the fast-consuming culture of radio journalism, All Things Considered seems quirky with its contextual, sound-rich approach that spends a great deal of time on storytelling. Yet the show has enjoyed the largest radio listenership in the United States for decades, with 13.3 million weekly listeners on average. This paper aims to deconstruct and analyze the interrelationship between All Things Considered and its audience through the lens of the Rhetoric and Uses and Gratification Theory, to discuss why it appeals to a distinct audience and adeptly shapes its programming according to the profile of its devotees.
Social Network Analysis of Co-Leadership in US Fortune 10 by NodeXL
As the awareness and attention on women’s social status increases, the number of women in leading positions in business has been growing as well. Criticism of gender bias in the workspace has never ceased. This project uses NodeXL to determine the co-leadership network in the US Fortune 10. Specifically, it seeks to address two research questions: (1) What is the difference and similarity within the leadership and leaders of these Fortune 10 companies? (2) Is there a certain pattern or phenomenon occurring upon certain gender?